Posts tagged “The Great DUN Perak fiasco

So What Now?

May 7th came and went. It went where everyone knew it would go eventually. To the victor with the bigger army and better guns. Frankly after the fracas that happened in Perak could you ever honestly trust the Barisan National to be sincere? Put political bias aside.

The story/end result is still the same. Certain parties drove events in Perak that led to this farcas and used whatever it had at its disposal to win, at any cost.

I’m not really sure how these people sleep soundly at night. I know what I can do though. I pay my taxes every year and I have my rights as a citizen to vote. I’d strongly recommend all Malaysians to exercise their choice at the next general election.

Some interesting comments and remarks:

  1. Self-installed Kings
  2. May 7 is the Day of Infamy for Perak and Malaysia
  3. Careless Whisper
  4. An inconvenient judge

Just today the prime minister announced a willingness to cooperate with Pakatan Rakyat to resolve the Perak crisis. Sorry but I don’t really think anyone can think that this could possibly be a sincere peace offering after what has been said and done.

Unless they have something to gain from it.